Briefing ======== * * Full briefing * {:A0} {§1}Mission Briefing:{§0}@ {#1} @The victory at the aid station belongs to Captain Rutherford. Funny what real leadership can do. We've got a wedge now that runs from Spaceport 6 in the northwest down to the residential area in the south, then up to the aid station in the northeast. With the command center outside our perimeter, Urelis is out of the game, so I can quit thinking about the bastard. The last civilian convoy was attacked by Scay'Ger on their way toward Spaceport 1, but Kelly got to them in time. He's going to give them escort to the spaceport, so it's up to us to hold the line here.@ {#0} @@{§1}Victory Conditions:{§0}@@*JP {#1} @Reach the red exit area in the southeast.@ {#0} @@{§1}Defeat Conditions:{§0}@@*JP {#1} @Sergeant Bratt is killed during action.@ {#0} {*} * * Short briefing (only the victory and defeat conditions) * {:B0} {§1}Victory:{§0}@ {§1}Reach the red exit area in the southeast.{§0}@ ...@ {§1}Defeat:{§0}@ {§1}Sergeant Bratt is killed.{§0}@ ...{*} * * Tips * {:C0} {§1}Tip:{§0}@ {#1} @ - No tips, you're on your own. Use the skills you have learned.@ {#0} {*} * * Briefingprogram 10-40 * PIC {:00}br_126_0| X {:01}390| Y {:02}100| DESC1 {:03}Reach the red exit area in the southeast.| * * Tipprogram 50-90 *